Welcome Speech by the Head of the Learning Innovation Institute

 السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Welcome to the official website of the Learning Innovation Institute (LIP), University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

LIP Supports the Achievement of UMM PASTI Policy through Learning Innovation

Higher education should no longer be an ivory tower that is out of reach or no benefit to the general public. Management of higher education should be an institution that produces quality graduates to accelerate the nation's economic growth. This can be achieved by encouraging graduates to be quickly absorbed in the work field suitable with their competence or to become reliable entrepreneurs who are able to create wide employment opportunities.

The Industrial Revolution 4.0 demands improvements in various fields, including higher education. The higher Education responds to the industrial revolution 4.0 by carrying out professional development with a global perspective, revolutionizing program design to respond to the future, innovating in teaching and learning, and conducting partnerships between education and industry. The government through the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemendikbud RI) has created a strategy to produce higher education graduates that are in line with the needs of the business and industrial world (DUDI). The strategies are: First, building a higher education ecosystem that can respond to the industrial revolution 4.0; Second, reorienting curricula that are able to respond to digital technology, and fast robots to produce graduates who have digital competence, social competence, and life-long learning; Third, carrying out student mobility and internships (apprenticeships); Fourth, increasing entrepreneurial competence through entrepreneurship education. Fifth, conducting polytechnic revitalization.

Another policy from the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia is Freedom to Learn on an Independent Campus (MBKM). The MBKM policy demanded curriculum flexibility that was developed by UMM and was very relevant and in line with UMM Leadership policies concerning equivalence and UMM PASTI.
Another condition that has greatly affected the learning process is the Covid-19 Pandemic since December 2019. One year into the running of this pandemic has greatly affected the implementation of learning in Higher Education, which conforms to Government policies for WfH (Work From Home) and SfH (Study (learning) ) from home).

The University of Muhammadiyah Malang responds to the future needs of stakeholders (stakeholders) and factors that influence the success of learning in higher education by carrying out various policies. One of UMM's policies to achieve quality graduates was UMM PASTI, namely students graduating on time and definitely working. To achieve this goal, UMM provided a policy on equivalence by paying attention to the Recognition of Students' Past Experiences (RPL), and designing innovative learning models. Another policy is the blended learning policy that was issued before the Covid-19 pandemic era, which in the future will become a technology-based learning engine by utilizing the Learning Management System (LMS)- lms.umm.ac.id.

One of the efforts to achieve the goals of UMM PASTI is the establishment of the Learning Innovation Institute (LIP). LIP is tasked with facilitating efforts to improve the quality of learning continuously towards UMM PASTI within the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. The main task and function of LIP are to develop learning innovations that include distance education (PJJ) and/or e-learning, entrepreneurship education, and MBKM, and facilitate the preparation of curricula referring to national and/or international standards through a series of basic training on teaching methods for lecturers.

The existence of LIP is intended to support the acceleration of achieving the Vision, Mission, and Objectives of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. The following is the focus of the study which is the main function of LIP to support the achievement of the Vision, Mission, and Objectives of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang.
In the field of Learning Innovation Development, LIP's support is to achieve UMM PASTI and graduates who have 6C competencies (Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking-Innovative, Computation Logic, and Compassion) and can adapt to industry 4.0 and its developments (new data literacy, technology, and humans) is first, developing an innovative learning model which is developed in the form of an innovative learning model book that can be used by UMM lecturers in carrying out learning. The second effort is developing guidelines for selecting and using learning assessment models that refer to SN-Dikti, especially project-based assessments and problem solving by developing higher order thinking skills or HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) which can measure the competence of graduates who have 6C competencies.

In the field of Entrepreneurship Education and MBKM, LIP conducted a policy study on entrepreneurship courses and their implementation in standardized learning at UMM. This effort is made so that students have skills in developing entrepreneurship according to their passion. In addition, LIP also designs and facilitates the reconstruction of the Study Program curriculum by taking into account MBKM policies, including preparing guidelines for Conversion, Equivalence, and Recognition of MBKM Activities.
In the field of e-Learning Learning, LIP conducted an assessment of the futuristic UMM Learning Management System (LMS) model to support UMM's Strategic Plan towards internationalization of Study Programs in 2023. So that UMM's LMS supports international accreditation and distance learning models. Likewise, LIP carried out capacity building for lecturers and students at UMM in utilizing UMM's LMS both in the implementation of synchronous and asynchronous learning.

Other tasks are related to PEKERTI and AA training. Based on Letter number 1955/E4/KK.01.01/2021, UMM was appointed by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia as one of the universities that can carry out PEKERTI and AA training for lecturers in Indonesia. In this regard, LIP is conducting PEKERTI and AA training for PTS and PTS lecturers in Indonesia starting in September 2021.

Referring to the LIP tasks, it is hoped that lecturers and students will have innovative competence in learning so that graduates are in accordance with the UMM Rector's policy, namely UMM PASTI: must graduate on time and must work both independently (entrepreneurship) and work at IDUKA (Industry, Business, and Work).

You are cordially invited to join LIP University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

وَعَلَيْكُمْ السَّلاَمُ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Head of LIP,


Dr. Mohammad Syaifuddin, MM