Working Procedure

A. Head of LIP

  1. Organizing the development of learning innovations that include distance education (PJJ) and/or e-learning, entrepreneurship education and MBKM, and facilitating the preparation of curricula referring to national and/or international standards.
  2. Providing suggestion and input to Vice Rector I regarding the long-distance education (PJJ) and/or e-learning policies, entrepreneurship education and MBKM, and curriculum and its implementation.
  3. Compiling and submitting a report on the implementation of the Learning Innovation Center's tasks.

B. Head of Curriculum and Learning Model Development Division

  1. Developing a curriculum guideline based on an Outcome Based Curriculum (OBE) 
  2. Developing Instructional Learning guideline
  3. Developing innovative learning models developed in the form of innovative learning model books that can be used by UMM lecturers for teaching and learning process
  4. Developing guidelines for selecting and using learning assessment models that refer to SN-Dikti, especially project-based assessments and problem solving by developing higher order thinking skills or HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) which are able to measure the graduates’ competence that have 6C competencies.

C. Entrepreneurship and MBKM Division

  1. Conducting policy studies on entrepreneurship courses and their implementation in standardized learning at UMM
  2. Facilitating the reconstruction of the Study Program curriculum by taking into account the MBKM policy
  3. Developing guidelines for Conversion, Equivalence and Recognition of MBKM Activities

D. Head of Distance Education and E-learning Division

  1. Examining the futuristic UMM Learning Management System (LMS) model to support the UMM Strategic Plan towards internationalization of Study Programs in 2023
  2. Facilitating the making of learning videos for all study programs at UMM
  3. Improving the readability and usability of the LIP website
  4. Facilitating the development of the abilities of lecturers and students at UMM in utilizing UMM's LMS both in the implementation of synchronous and asynchronous learning.